Real Housewives

Taking down the Christmas tree was a little bittersweet today. It was time, and my husband wanted our living room back in order. The holidays were a rollercoaster of emotions, great memories, pictures, laughter, and Christmas spirit. Returning home, I woke up feeling sick. Two weeks later, it finally leaves, and the hubby is ill. He is “slightly” annoyed with me. Taking time cleaning up the emails while watching reality television. Reflecting on the past from my case management days, I worked on case plans, notes, and other docs while watching Real Housewives of Whatever Town. Focused on child abuse, safety concerns, crisis interventions, and other stressful parts of the job during the day. In the evening, I would listen to entitled women fight over the most ridiculous issues while knocking out my work. Fast forward seven years, I periodically tune into Bravo to watch one of the reality shows. The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City is on now, and I am questioning my sanity yet enjoying the drama.

2 thoughts on “Real Housewives

  1. I can’t seem to enjoy the Real Housewives shows as I think how their quarrels really aren’t important ones, at least most of the time… But then again I could see how it would be a release to you. We took our tree down a few weeks ago, another year of memories created and thought back on… xx

    • I get it, Christy. Most of my friends would agree with you, too. I work for child protective services training foster parents for a living. RH is an escape from the world of trauma for me. My husband’s view? Waste of brain cells. LOL

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